Don’t you hate when you get sick? It seems like sickness comes at the worst, most inconvenient times. Like today…I’m suddenly full of sneezes and mucus and my eyes won’t stop watering. This couldn’t come at a better time either…I’m only days away from my Spring Break trip to Jamaica and I have a ton of work-work and schoolwork to knock out before I can officially relax. Thank God the Walgreens Healthcare Clinic Houston is right in my neighborhood and I can go in and get treated quickly! This isn’t the first time that sickness has come over me out of the blue and tried to ruin my fun…in fact I can think of a few times…


Walgreens healthcare clinic

1.Adult Ear Infection So one day I’m just at home chilling out and all of a sudden I can’t hear. I tried to ignore it because sometimes my ears pop but when it was time to go to sleep I couldn’t! I was in so much pain, it felt like my ear was draining, and I had the worst headache you could imagine. Like any grown person would do I called my mom and cried. She mentioned that I kept an ear infection as a child and being an adult doesn’t exempt you from them. So the next day, I’m in a cold dark apartment and my Mommy and Nana show up with some strange ear drops and an ear candle–which I refused. In a few days, I was better…but I could’ve gotten a modern treatment and been better faster. Walgreens treats ear infections at their clinics and even has symptoms and treatment options listed for this and other illnesses on the  website.

2. Almost appendicitis…but no. Another time after church, I was feeling fine driving home. But when I got to my apartment, I was suddenly in severe pain. I tried to walk up the stairs and I couldn’t make it the stairs. As I’m struggling, my neighbors helped me up the stairs and helped me to call my parents. (There is a pattern. Lol Just because you are a grown up and live alone, you still need your mommy!) My parents came and rushed me to the emergency room where I was put through a series of test…turns out I was seriously dehydrated and a had a slight bladder infection. I didn’t even know those things were painful. The $900 bill that I got in the mail–after the insurance payment was even more painful! Walgreens offers affordable healthcare right in your neighborhood. They accept insurance and major credit cards and they have a price list available online to help you budget your medical bills. 

3. Cold. Flu. What are you? Every now and then I just get coughy, sneezing, and downright yucky. Because I don’t like going to the doctor, I generally just lock myself into my apartment and take as much Benadryl as my body can handle. I never know if I have a cold, a flu, or something else. Walgreens Healthcare Clinic treats alot of common illnessess, aches, and pains and they do so at affordable prices.

Walgreens Healthcare Clinic Houston, TX

I hate being sick, When I’m sick I tend to wear dark colors and my hair in ponytails. But when I’m well, I’m Taylor Brione and I really live my life in pink wearing hot pink with my weave blowing in the wind, As a busy young women, I appreciate the  flexible scheduling, convenient location, and short wait times. I have stuff to do! I don’t have time to waste being sick, nor do I have time to be sitting in the doctors office all day. I appreciate #HealthcareClinic for bringing healthcare options right to our neighborhoods. And thanks to #CollectiveBias for originally introducing me to the Walgreens Healthcare Clinic.

Healthcare Clinic Houston


I have to get well before leaving for Jamaica so I think I’ll stop by the Healthcare Clinic in my neighborhood and see if the the awesome healthcare professionals can help speed up my recovery. The scheduling system allows you to choose from several different times from locations nearest you. Walk-ins are welcome too!

Taylor Brione Houston Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

It’s me when I’m well-happy and healthy!

blog sigFashion Blogger Taylor Brione

