Houston Fashion Bloggers turned 2 years old this month! So we celebrated both Christmas and our anniversary at Elaine Turner in City Centre. The funds raised and the gifts we received were donated to Parks Youth Ranch to benefit at-risk and homeless youth. The weather in Houston was is so crazy…it was beautiful the day before, but the night of the event it was a little cold and rainy. But weather can’t keep the fashionable down–everyone came out in their best threads and we had a great time! Our party was open to the public so it wasn’t just fashion bloggers there. Makeup artist, local designers, store owners, and lovers of fashion in general came out to celebrate!

Houston Fashion Bloggers Holiday Party

I’d never been to Elaine Turner before! But I really like it! I guess because of the pink.

Houston Fashion Bloggers Holiday Party

The store had some good deals but I was too busy socializing and volunteering to purchase anything, but I will definitely return because they had some cute purses on the shelf that would look better on my arm!

Houston Fashion Bloggers Holiday Party Taylor Brione

I always enjoy seeing my fellow fashion bloggers at events around Houston! It’s sooo much easier to catch up with them in person. 140 characters isn’t enough for all I have to say!

Houston Fashion Bloggers

I ended up winning two raffle items! One of them being a dress from Designs By Lynn--which is such a cute boutique! I ended up giving the rest of my raffle items to Miranda, because I didn’t want to win again. Well, actually, I did want to win again, but after my second raffle, I heard some lip smacking and murmuring sooooo I didn’t wan’t people to think anything funny. Lol Chile, people need to learn DON’T HATE, CONGRATULATE! The more raffle tickets you buy, the better chance of you winning. I purchased a five additional because it benefited charity! Anyway, let me get off my soapbox. I had a lot of fun at the party catching up with people and being able to have fun while also helping out a cause!  

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