This is the last quarter of the year and I want to go in 2013 a better person all around! Health and Fitness is something that I’m trying to become better at. I pole dance for fitness, but now that school is back in…I’m lucky if I make it to class once a week. I have terrible eating habits…I either don’t eat at all or I eat 3 honeybuns for dinner. Yeah, it’s so crazy. Now that I’m 20, I’m slowly but surely noticing a slowing metabolism and that weight just doesn’t fall off like it used.

So I’m investigating new ways to get healthy and fit.Here are some things that I have on my radar:


Weight Watchers: I joined last week. They have a lot of tools available to track what you eat and they even offer the meals—I’m not a big fan of those though. What I really like is the weekly meetings…I definitely need the accountability that these meetings offer…I’ve already been tempted to cheat and it’s only week two! Now that I’ve been tracking what I’m eating on my IPhone…I see where the problem is…I’m a junkie! It really is helpful to be able to monitor you eating and activities in one place. I really hope that I can keep it up!
Belly Dancing: This is pretty much the only group fitness class that I can fit into my schedule–and that’s because it’s at 9pm! I can’t do those hardcore classes because I’ll end up quitting! LOL I’m a fun fitness girl…I have to be tricked into working out! The workout class is cool…I felt like I wasn’t doing much that night, but when I woke up the next day…my abs and arms were super sore! I’m going to try to make this class every Monday! Send me a tweet to keep me accountable!
Running: Now, I’m definitely not a big fan of running, but I know it’s a super great way to tone legs and remove cellulite…that still doesn’t motivate me! LOL However, the good people at TXU Energy have sponsored me to run in this year’s Turkey Trot. This a a 5K race that benefits Sheltering Arms. I’m glad it benefits charity and that someone else paid for me, now I have NO excuse to not show up…even if my butt jiggles when I run! LOL There is actually an event this Saturday at Luke’s Locker on West Gray that will unveil the new race course and announce the Grand Marshal. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to stop by, because I have to get my hair done, but I’m going to try! If you are participating, let me know…I don’t want to be alone on race day! Oh, and I need suggestions for running shoes…pink ones!


What do you to stay healthy and fit? What advice or tips do you have for me?

