Last Friday, I had the honor of sitting on the Prom Dress Panel at Saks Fifth Avenue-Houston Galleria. In the weeks prior to the event, we met with Lauren, The Evening Dress Manager, to choose some of our favorite dresses to show to present in the fashion show. Lauren gave us a rundown of the event but I was really nervous! I had no idea what to expect…and I didn’t know what I was going to say in my commentary. Butttttt, the event turned out great! Some of my friends stopped by and supported me and the Saks Marketing team sent me a lovely email thanking me for my partnership!

Here are some photos from the prom dress event:

saks prom event

Bloggers on the panel: Elvia, Imani, Yesenia, Rachel, Me, and Marcella.

DJ Stratus

fashion blogger taylor brione at Saks Prom Event

Dress: Goodwill Thrifted Shoes: Charlotte Russe

saks prom event

With Lauren, The Evening Dress Manager.

saks prom event

saks prom dress event

saks prom dress 2013

saks high low prom dresses 2013


saks prom dresses

pink prom dresses at Saks

The prom event was very fun! The girls from Mia’s Closet came and tried on some of the dresses that were donated by customers. It was so awesome to see how happy these girls were in their new formal gowns. I had such a good time at Saks and I would love to work with them again!

What is your favorite prom memory?

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