It’s January of a new year which means that everyone and their mother is heading to somebody’s gym to work out. Every year “lose weight” is the most popular New Year’s Resolution because people want to look good! Generally speaking by the time February comes most people have abandoned their diets and their workout regimens. I’m guilty of doing that before too especially when I tried traditional, boring workouts. If you know me then you know I’m far from boring.


In December, I was offered the opportunity to try out Hypoxi Houston for two weeks and then share with you all on my blog.. What’s Hypoxi you ask? Well it’s where science meets fitness. As you workout you are connected to a machine that uses compression and vacuum technology to target the fat in your body. 


The very first machine that you use is a machine that targets cellulite and overall tightness of the body. When you put on the outfit you look like an astronaut but you get to lay there for 20 minutes and relax. I started a new job around the same time I started Hypoxi and I know I went to sleep a few times while in there.


Sometimes it would be hard for me to get up from my relaxed state but there is a part two. During my consultation with Caroline (the owner) we discussed my problem area which is my stomach, and we decided that the treadmill machine would be best for me.

While on the treadmill you are also connected to the vacuum machine you walk for 30 minutes. Okay, the first time I had to walk my legs and stuff were hurting, but Shema gave me advice about stretching everything out before walking and it was very helpful. Toward the end of my two weeks, I did the upright bike, in which you ride the bike just as you would in a cycling class and you are connected to vacuum machine as well. You have to keep your speed at about 80, which can is right at the fat burning level.


Hypoxi is a great alternative to the gym or an awesome addition to your current workout regimen. Throughout the two week period I lost 3 centimeters off my waist and 2 pounds. Most participants see a bigger weight lost  around their 12 session ( I only did 6). I’m very pleased with the results! I also want to say how helpful Caroline and Shema are. They are super fun ladies but they also want what’s best for you and your health. I shared with Caroline in my consultation about my history with eating disorders and she was very good at helping me to figure out what I needed to do to be successful in the program. Her and Shema also gave me advice on my eating habits and I’m proud to say that I haven’t had a donut since 2014!  (Lol) So, here’s a treat for you: mention my blog and get a free session of Hypoxi treatments! Don’t start your new year off wrong…workout! 

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