Last night I had the opportunity to attend the Cirque Du Soleil! It was quite interesting and very different from any circus I had been to before. There were no photos allowed under the big top, so I’m so sorry for my very boring Instagram timeline last night. 
They did have a photographer there who provided free pictures and I was able to capture some photos on the way in. 
Heading under the Big Top!

I loved this lighting!
Butterfly and I.
( I’m wearing a plain black skirt and my Barbie Collector Tank)

Paige, Butterfly, and I.
I’ve only been to the Universoul Circus and Barnum & Bailey and people are always laughing and talking, but this was very different. It was a sort of grown up vibe and it was very calm and quiet, except for the “oohs” and “ahhs”. Overall, I had fun, and I definitely think you should go once in your life. 
One thing I did learn : 
Don’t talk even if you are amazed at the tricks—people will look at you funny or shush you!

Have you been to Cirque Du Soleil? How was your experience? 

