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If you didn’t know I’m participating in the Big Fat Summer Challenge sponosred by Jennifer of Jasifers Lion Club. This challenge helps to push women outside of their comfort zone by wearing pieces that they may not neccessarily feel the most comfortable in.

Yesterday, I decided to complete the “something you wouldn’t normally wear” look. For me that means jeans. If you don’t rember I normally wear dresses nearly every day. I hate jeans because they are always so ill-fitting and constricting on my body.  I also hate that the seams of the inner thighs tear, even if the jeans aren’t tight!
I have never had a pair of jeans that fit me well and that I was excited to wear. Instead of spending money getting them tailored or buying an expensive pair, I just stopped wearing them altogether. . So while unpacking some of my clothes (yes I’ve been in my apartment for a month and I’m still not done–don’t judge), I found a pair of jean (thigh holes included) and decided to put them on. It’s 100+ degrees in Houston, which is another reason I never wear jeans, but I put them on, and everyone was shocked! They claimed that they never saw me in jeans…and they probably won’t see me in them again until maybe winter. I was hot as H-E double hockey sticks!! LOL


My ruffle top is from Forever 21 and was $12.90.
Those jeans are super old!
My oxfords are from Forever 21 and were $24
My purse is Harvey’s Seatbelt Bag (exclusively for Barbie Collector) and was $250.
Can you tell I was hot?

