Happy New Year!

Dress: Trend Mall
Leggings: Target
Rainboots: Ross
Barbie Watch: Kohls
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was pooped from the NYE Trey Songz concert and packing for Atlanta! Yep, that’s right as you read this, I’m probably just touching down in the ATL…after my 7am flight. Anyway, I digress. As I’ve said before on this blog I don’t really make new years resolutions, I just make a list of things that I want to do, accomplish, or experience. Some people generally fail or forget their resolutions, but this list (and this blog) helps to keep me on track. Last year, I posted my original 2012 To-Do List  and updated it only once. I’ll be sure to update you guys more this year.
Here was my to do list from 2012 (bolded items are things I actually completed!)
2. Travel to other states (California) (New Orleans)
3.Eat sushi4.Go to the zoo.
5. Buy another Barbie purse. 

8. Start a blog
9. Become an officer in a club.
10. Go to A Rockets game (Hey it was a Mavericks game…but it’s still a NBA game, right?)
11. Go to a drive-in movie.
12. Run a 5K
13. Learn to cook an entire meal
14. Open a savings account and actually save
15. Make Dean’s List
16. Go to a Concert. (Trey Songz Concert last night…post about it tomorrow)
17. Go to a cultural event outside of my own.
18. Fly on a plane
19. Go to the children’s museum
20. Fall in love

14 out of 20 gives me a 70% completion grade for the year. At least I passed right?

So here is my list for 2013! If you are a loyal reader, I ask that you help me to stay on track and complete my entire list this year! Yell at me in my comments and tweet me if I’m getting off track!

  1. Get A Concealed Handgun License
  2. Go To The Wendy Williams Show
  3. Attend A Blogger Conference
  4. Attend A Professional Conference
  5. Make Businesses Official
  6. Have an alcoholic drink
  7. Visit at least 2 states
  8. Be a guest speaker
  9. Start journaling
  10. Have a great 21st birthday party!
  11. Apply for Jet Beauty of the Week
  12. Learn to Cook
  13. Entertain more
  14. Read 52 books (not including textbooks)
  15. Karaoke
  16. Take A Boxing Class
  17. Date Myself
  18. Skydive
  19. Road Trip
  20. Run a 10K
  21. Get myself or my blog published on a major blog or magazine

So what do you think…can I do it? Do you have goals or resolutions for 2013?


