
Interfaith Ministries has a program that is near and dear to my heart; the aniMeals on Wheels program! It’s for doggies whose humans receive assistance from Meals on Wheels. These senior citizens generally have little or no food and end up sharing what they do have with the pets they own. aniMeals on Wheels provides foods for their pets, so that they don’t have to share their already limited food. My mom and I are excited to support this charity. The  Best Friends Brunch will be held January 30, 2016 at Hotel Zaza, and to get everyone excited for the event there will be a kickoff party! The kickoff will be on December 3 at the Interfaith Ministries Event Center. This event is free to attend–just bring a bottle of wine to be included in the silent auction at the event. We look forward to seeing you there!


