Its official! I’m am now a Certified Wedding Planner!

Yep, that’s right, I’m a certified wedding planner! I’ve been planning events, but this certification makes me so happy! I feel so proud and so accomplished. First I won the scholarship for the course, now I’ve completed it, and it was great. Laurie Hartwell is the President of the Bridal Society and Owner of A Wedding to Remember and she was the instructor for the course. She was awesome! I love her and I know for sure that I will keep in contact with her. She is truly a role model and someone I can look up to. Enjoy these pictures!

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certified wedding planner
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certified wedding planner
certified wedding planner
the bridal society wedding certification program
certified wedding planner
This is such a great accomplishment and I know that this will open up so many other doors for me professionally! I’m excited! Visit my event planning page on Facebook or my event planning page on this site!
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